Thanks for the nice words. Jojo is doing "pretty well for an old lady" as she likes to say, and will be 95! in April. She is a former educator (began one of the first kindergartens in New Mexico), and has lived in Albuquerque since 1990. She has been legally blind for a number of years (hence the magnifying glass she wears around her neck). remains as active as possible, walking and visiting with friends daily. She sometimes tells me: "I wonder why the good Lord is keeping me here", and it pleases me that there are younger people who not only appreciate the style of an older person, but also who understand what is meant when it is said that "old people are wise". A lifetime of knowledge and experience has tremendous value. Pay attention to the old people in your life, write them letters, call them, indulge them, it's a mutually beneficial and deeply rewarding experience. And you don't have forever.
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