I don't like Fashion. I don't follow trends.
So you are more about style?
Yes I love style. I have had the same hairstyle since I was 12. I grew up in South America and there you are already considered a woman at 13. I always wanted to look older than I was. People tell me that I have looked the same for 40 years because I never change the way I dress, it is me.
Did you dress up when you were younger?
No I didn't. I wanted to look like my mum, I wanted to be charming. When I was 13 or 14 my style icon was the Duchess of Windsor; she wasn't an ordinary beauty. She had class and her hair was always gathered up.
How did your mum dress?
She was very classic, just like I am now. That was real elegance. Women from another era, international,elegant with low-heeled shoes.
When did you arrive in Italy what did you think about the style?
40 or more years ago. It was around '68 and women were wearing jeans and taking their bras off. I've never worn jeans in public. I didn't want to look like the others. I wanted to create something identifiable. I wanted a signature, something that spoke of my personality. 

Do you have any style advice for younger women?
Most important is water and soap. You have to be natural and feel comfortable with yourself, in order to give a lot to others.You must be honest with the image that you see reflected in the mirror. You must ask yourself if what you see in the mirror is what you want other people to see.
Any other words of wisdom?
Most important is water and soap. You have to be natural and feel comfortable with yourself, in order to give a lot to others.You must be honest with the image that you see reflected in the mirror. You must ask yourself if what you see in the mirror is what you want other people to see.

1."You are not what you are, you are what you want to be."
2."You don't have to look like your friends, you have to be daring."
3."You have to look for your style the same way you look for a boyfriend.You have to keep trying until you find the right one."
How did you develop you personal style?
It was how I always wanted to look. I used to go to fashion shows, but not anymore.People these days don't understand fashion. Its all about brands, fragrances, fabric. Its all business now.
What is the difference between fashion and style?
Fashion is focused on brands. You enter a room and you can see a beautiful dress from a beautiful brand. When someone is stylish you remember the person, not the dress. The whole should be very natural. It shouldn't be too aggressive; it must be harmonious.
How do you feel about getting old?
It's hard, but you have to live your life. There's nothing worse that a young lady wanting to be an old woman or an old woman wanting to be young. You have to live within your moment. Your body has it's own way and you have to accept it.When you get older you love different things. You change your way of thinking. I like being a lady of my age. I have a duty to my family. I always want to be beautiful for my husband, for my family and first of all for myself. Beauty can open a lot of doors, but more important is to keep those doors open. Real and true beauty is something absolute from within. It is other-wordly. Something that never passes no matter what age or gender.

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