Debra has been receiving so many great submissions for our "Thrifted &Gifted Contest. Not only is she super excited to read through all of your emails, but is anticipating picking the big winner as well. I took some photos of Debra as she was reading through contest submissions this evening. You should also check out her very own page(which you kind find on the sidebar) for daily updates and words of inspiration.Remember to comment!!! Just a reminder the rules for the contest are as follows:
1. Choose your favorite posting on Advanced Style blog and tell us why it inspires you
2. Tell us what you would like to learn about expressing personal style
3. No age limit
4. Send us your name, age, location, and contact info
Make sure to get all your mail in to her by WEDNESDAY, MAY 26: 2. Tell us what you would like to learn about expressing personal style
3. No age limit
4. Send us your name, age, location, and contact info
Winner will be announced Wednesday, June 2.
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